Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sociology At Bowling Green State University - 867 Words

People associate actions with a meaning. As one grows up actions seem to obtain a connotation, weather it be positive or negative. The symbols or meaning people attach to the actions are influenced by one’s socialization. Edward Alsworth Ross, a progressive American sociologist, eugenicist, and major figure of early criminology, suggested socialization is the development of one’s feelings and the will to act based on an influence by a variety of different circumstances and conditions (652). The connotation of an action can differ based on the experiences and circumstances one has lived through. The act of identifying that action with the interpretation is an example of symbolic interactionism. Monica A. Longmore, a professor of sociology at Bowling Green State University, explains symbolic interactionism is the relationship between a behavior and how it is identified (44). Behaviors are comprehended by how it is symbolized in one’s socialization. The thesis of th is essay is some basic social behaviors taught in one’s culture are best understood using symbolic interactionism to interpret what is meant on a conscious and subconscious level. Tone of voice and body language are symbolized based on the socialization of the interpreter. There are many factor in determining what a gesture might mean. For instance, as well as, a soft voice may be seen as a flirty or intimate gesture in a typical American culture. However, in another culture it may be seen as disrespectful to makeShow MoreRelatedPrevalence And Growth Of Cohabitation756 Words   |  4 Pagesphysical abuse, and poverty. From my understanding, there seem to be no gaps or omissions in the research. Cohabitation and Child Wellbeing, a research article, by Wendy D. Manning, a distinguished research professor in the department of Sociology at Princeton University, and also co-director of the National Center for Family and Marriage Research. 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